Monday, May 24, 2010

3 Fall Shows that Are Relevant To Your Interests (Part 2)

Part Deux Suckas!

I see you over there mourning the loss of LOST.

Quit crying.

It won't bring back your beloved Smoke Monster.

Allow me to bring you the new hotness.

It's called Terra Nova, it will be on FOX, and it's from everyone's favorite multibillion dollar director/producer Steven Spielberg.

Oh, is that not a good enough reason for you? Fine.

Other cooks in the kitchen include:

Brannon Braga, homeboy brought you Jack Bauer and Star Trek: Enterprise.
and David Fury, who facilitated LOST (see what I did there) and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Have you wiped those tears up yet? I thought so.

This project is still currently in development and is shrouded in magic and mystery tighter than a swaddled newborn Harry Potter Jesus Baby.

The Breakdown:

An ordinary family in dystopian Mad Max year 2149 conjure up an idea (and some fuzzy math!science) on how to rip a hole in the space-time continuum, HG Wells style, so they can experience a world before sandworms (maybe? I'm guessing) and pollution, they are going to try and right the wrongs of humanity in the process.

Go to the past to save the future...because that always works out:

Anyway. back to the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Their trip is a success and they are loving it harder than a Jason Mraz cover in a Sandals Jamaica commercial. But they have a secret that could change everything.

They also apparently forgot about the fact that dinosaurs existed, which causes much peril. Also, maybe [probably] aliens.

If you liked Jurassic Park and Land of The will like this. The cast has not been announced, but one can only hope it will include Jeff Goldblum. I will definitely be tuning in. As hokey as the idea may sound, I take all of the executive producers on board very seriously, and Spielberg has never *really* let me down.

The Sleestaks thank you for your time.

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